Out of thousands of matches, two Bigs and two Littles are chosen by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to represent the nation each year.
Big Sister Donna and Little Melvina
Big Brothers Big Sisters Services of Winston Salem
The sisters, Melvina & Donna, are both African American, from BBBS Services in Winston Salem, North Carolina, an MLAA (Medium-Large Agency) in the Southeast region have been matched for three years. Melvina is 19 YO and Donna is 62 YO. Melvina is the youngest of six siblings and had a hard time finding her place. When she was matched with Donna, she came out of her shell, reignited her relationship with God with Donna’s support, and embraced the importance of having a trusted adult to depend on in her life. Donna and Melvina both share their story with a sense of gratitude, and the Big also takes pride in sharing what she has learned from her Little and how her Little has made a big impact on her life. Donna wants nothing but the best for Melvina, and Melvina credits much of her success and growth to her Big and her local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency. The Little shared in her interview that she believes every young person should have a Big because she isn’t sure where she would be without hers. The Little, Melvina, graduates from high school this year, has been accepted into every college she’s applied for and has enlisted in the Army Reserves, all with the help of her Big. The Little’s mother has credited her Big for how much she has changed her daughter's outlook on life and towards a greater future.
Big Brother Chris and Little Shane
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City
The brothers, Shane and Christopher are from BBBS Kansas City, in Kansas City, Missouri, an LAA (Large Agency Alliance) agency in the Midwest region have been matched for six years. Chris(41, African American) and Shane (17, Asian). At just nine years old, Shane lost his father to brain cancer, and as his mother began to see his behavior change, she signed him up for Big Brothers Big Sisters where he was matched with Chris. Chris became anew, stable constant in Shane’s life. Shane described Chris as a "grown-up friend," and expressed the importance of young people having older people in their lives they can depend on, especially after the loss of a parent. Chris and Shane are a great example of how a Big and Little can connect meaningfully, and how our agencies work to match Bigs and Littles on their ability to be compatible in a relationship. Chris and Shane announced a draft pick at the NFL Draft, and Shane currently serves as the agency's "Voice of Potential." Shane’s mother says Chris is a part of their family, and she looks forward to continuing to see their relationship grow, even after Shane ages out of the program. Shane plans to become a Big once he is of age.
Previous Bigs and Littles of the Year


Big Sister Angela and Little Jenna
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana

Big Brother Jose Carlos and Little Juan Carlos
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Arizona


Big Sister Kathy and Little Lucian
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic & Cape May Counties

Big Brother Jerome and Little Brother Jaylen
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles(BBBSLA)


Big Brother Mark and Little Brother Eric
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh

Big Sister Julie and Little Sister Karma
Big Brothers Big Sisters Kansas City


Big Brother Matt and Little Brother Jaylin
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Ohio

Big Sister Ashley and Little Sister Brianna
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas


Big Brother Hugo and Little Brother Luis
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Miami

Big Sister Jeanne and Little Sister Emily
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Atlantic & Cape May Counties


Big Brother Murray and Little Brother Jolen
Big Brothers Big Sisters Services

Big Sister Myra and Little Sister Saleen
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County, Inc.


Big Brother Terence and Little Brother Terrell
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati

Big Sister Erin and Little Sister Noelle
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska


Big Brother Sabin and Little Brother Lawrence
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles

Big Sister Laura and Little Sister Emily
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northeast Indiana


Big Brother Chris and Little Brother Darrion
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Kansas City

Big Sister Carrie and Little Sister Regina
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Tri-State


Big Brother Tom and Little Brother Amir
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern New Jersey

Big Sister Dakotah and Little Sister Peggy
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands