
With the final run in San Antonio this September, the Corner Store Country Run wrapped up its third year as a major fundraising event in many markets across the country. The Country Run has been a match activity, a team-building exercise for agency staff and volunteers, and a big fundraiser for the network.


Note: The Corner Store Country Run also benefits other children’s charities; these graphics reflect only the amount raised for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Country Run 2016


To learn more visit

In between catching passes on Sundays and practicing throughout the week, Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Antonio Brown has been one of many celebrities who continues to make time for Big Brothers Big Sisters.

On Giving Tuesday, Brown (number 84) took to social media to push our #BIGgift campaign and kicked off the day by donating $8,400.

Five days later, in his game against the New York Giants, Brown wore a pair of custom white and purple BBBS cleats during the NFL’s #MyCauseMyCleats weekend.

Brown has played a key role in raising awareness of the BBBS brand and enlisting the help of many others to give this holiday season.

He hasn’t been the only celebrity to jump in and help out Big Brothers Big Sisters, either.

Singer Letoya Luckett, Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Lavonte David, and singer-songwriter Eric Hutchinson also posted on their social media accounts on Giving Tuesday.

Country singer-songwriter Brad Paisley also worked with BBBSA to create a PSA. In it, he asks people to support Big Brothers Big Sisters, because he says he believes in the power of mentoring. In the video, he says, “My life was enriched by the kindness and support of a caring adult who gave me the gift of time.”

Actor Ryan Potter and NBC Nightly News anchor Kate Snow wrapped up Giving Tuesday by showing their support of Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Celebrities have helped BBBS put a nice bow on a really big 2016, leading to a 2017 where we can match more Littles with caring adults who can also give the gift of time.

Big Sister Morgan and Little Sister Josie

Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2017 will be revving up soon, but let us not forget 2016 and how the event was fueled by corporate partner Nerium International.

Nerium raised $400,000 for Big Brothers Big Sisters through BFKS in 2015 and surpassed its goal of raising $500,000 in 2016.

With less than a month to go, Nerium has already raised over $490,000 through BFKS.

They recently awarded a check to BBBS of Kentuckiana for nearly $30,000, raised from their Louisville Brand Partners.

“What Nerium and its local Brand Partners have accomplished this year is truly exceptional,” says Jeri Swinton, CEO of BBBS Kentuckiana. “We are thankful for their generosity and look forward to continuing to work with a team of individuals who are truly dedicated to the mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters.”

Nerium’s fundraising doesn’t stop with Bowl for Kids’ Sake.

In 2016, they have raised $1,166,316 for Big Brothers Big Sisters through Bowl for Kids’ Sake, monthly commission check donations, Lemonade for Littles, Live Happy’s International Day of Happiness, their National Conference sponsorship, and their Get Real Conference Fundraiser.

The corporate partner also continues to be a strong supporter for BBBS on social media.

BBBS looks forward another strong year with Nerium.

Michael Hartman, Chief Marketing Officer of Chuck E. Cheese's, presents a check to Big Brothers Big Sisters Lone Star CEO Pierce Bush.

Mentoring is not all fun and games – except when we partner with Chuck E. Cheese’s. Our relationship with one of the country’s most popular pizza arcade venues is helping children across the country, not to mention giving matches something fun to do.

During the September Pin-Up Campaign, Chuck E. Cheese’s raised $117,000, the third campaign to generate a six-figure donation. Chuck E. Cheese’s has also challenged employees at local Chuck E. Cheese’s restaurants to become Bigs. Recently, Pierce Bush, CEO of BBBS Lone Star, spoke at Chuck E. Cheese’s town hall meeting to encourage more employees of Chuck E. Cheese’s corporate office to sign up to be Bigs. On December 15, more than 200 Bigs and Littles in the Dallas area attended holiday celebrations at Chuck E. Cheese’s across the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area.

New York’s Statue of Liberty carries a torch of freedom, and now friends of Big Brothers Big Sisters can also carry a light through a limited-edition jewelry line from ALEX AND ANI. Liberty Copper is the limited edition collection that includes 26 pieces (costume and fine), featuring an exact replica of the Statue of Liberty’s torch, all made with original copper from the monument’s centennial restoration. Created in partnership with The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc., ALEX AND ANI will encourage consumers to draw inspiration from Lady Liberty, and recognize the light they bring to the world.

ALEX AND ANI will donate 10% for all online orders, excluding CHARITY BY DESIGN© and Licensed Product, placed between September 25, 2016 and December 31, 2016 to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.

Use ALEX AND ANI’s Light Generator to share how you #CARRYLIGHT for your Big or Little.

Beyond School Walls in BBBS of Metropolitan Detroit

Beyond School Walls in BBBS of Metropolitan Detroit

At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we know mentoring can impact the mentor as much as the mentee, and that mentoring programs can help families and communities as well. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles (BBBSLA) is launching a new program that is sure to change the lives of Bigs, Littles, and their communities. Beyond School Walls, the workplace mentoring program developed and supported by Comcast NBCUniversal, will launch in its 17th market with a new program in Los Angeles.

The new Beyond School Walls at Universal Studios Hollywood is being called “multi-generational.” The innovative mentoring model matches Universal employees with high school students, and those same high school kids mentor elementary school kids. The high-schoolers are both mentor and mentee, Big and Little. A few times per year, all three participants, the Universal Big, his or her Little, and the elementary school Little, will meet and interact together.

The one-on-one mentoring relationships give the students someone to confide in and trust, someone who gives them an extra sense of support. “This results in the students having an improved outlook on life, improved self-confidence, improved self-esteem and improved behavior and academics,” BBBSLA CEO Tiffany Siart says. “This will, in turn, help create strong 10th-grade leaders in the community who will be able to immediately impact the third-graders they will be mentoring.”

Comcast NBCUniversal’s partnership with BBBSA extends beyond support of Beyond School Walls, as their monetary and in-kind donations also help with media support, local and national Board support, and BBBSA’s National Conference.


Big Brother Joel and Little Brother Maddox

Big Brother Joel and Little Brother Maddox

Beachbody Super Trainer Joel Freeman cannot sit still. You won’t catch him lounging in front of the television. He does not play video games. When he was searching for ways to give back to his community, he decided to become a Big Brother. His enrollment specialist asked what kind of kid he wanted to mentor, and his only stipulation was that the child had to be active and curious.

“Maddox is like an 8-year-old me, very active, always ready to go, ready to do something, very inquisitive,” Big Brother Joel says.

The collaboration between Beachbody and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, which netted the organization a $250,000 donation, began in October with a one-day event during which Beachbody users could stream a preview of the new Beachbody workout CORE DE FORCE. For each user who streamed the new MMA-style workout, Beachbody donated $10 to BBBSA. The event and campaign came about partly because of Big Brother Joel’s involvement as a Big Brother with BBBS of Greater Los Angeles.

Working with BBBSA seemed natural, Joel said, because the fitness world has a similar mindset to the mentoring organization. Joel first got involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters to be a positive influence in the life of a child, and he got involved with the fitness industry for a similar reason. “I liked it at as a career choice because it’s so positive,” he says. “People don’t go into a gym to get worse. It’s very positive.”

At one point after they’d been matched, Little Brother Maddox pointed out to Joel that he always seemed to be smiling. “Dude,” Joel said, “there’s no reason not to.”

Maddox is the younger of his single mom’s two children, and he thrives with individual attention. “Little boys between 8 and 12, they’re finding themselves, figuring out who they are,” Joel says. “I’m excited to be part of his life at this time.”

Big Brother Joel and Little Brother Maddox did the CORE DE FORCE workout together with other matches to promote Beachbody’s campaign in support of BBBSA, and they often find new, active things to do together. Soon, Maddox hopes to tag along with Joel to the gym for boxing workouts.

Working hard and staying active are important, but the two most important things Joel wants to impart on Maddox are positivity and respect. “I want to teach him that things may not go your way, but being an eternal optimist helps you wake up every day and keep moving in the right direction,” he says. Growing up in West Texas helped Big Brother Joel develop manners and respect, and he hopes to teach Maddox to have respect as well. “Ultimately, I want people to meet him and be like, ‘Maddox. I like him. He’s a good guy.’”

Check out some of our Bigs and Littles having fun and getting fit.

*Note: The name of Joel’s Little has been changed to protect his privacy.

Little Brother Robert and Big Brother Ryan, BBBS of Southwest Virginia

Our new Bigs in BlueSM program matches law enforcement officers with youth who need mentors and supports them in strong and enduring relationships. One of the goals of the program is fostering connections and understanding in our communities.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Richard Ross Jr., a spokesman for Bigs in Blue, says he believes that in the same way Bigs always say they get as much out of the mentoring relationship as the Littles do, police volunteers will find a better understanding of the communities in which they serve.

“One of the reasons I’m all-in is because I see how valuable this will be for the law enforcement officers who volunteer to mentor,” Commissioner Ross says. “They too will gain understanding – Bigs in Blue is about building bridges and that’s what we need, especially now.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Los Angeles is launching their Bigs in Blue program in partnership with the Los Angeles Police Department and the NFL’s L.A. Rams. The LAPD has a goal of recruiting 20 officers to volunteer as Bigs each year of the program, and the L.A. Rams will support the initiative by not only highlighting Bigs in Blue during a home game, but also providing tickets to BBBSLA matches.

In the communities that already have Bigs in Blue programs, teachers and parents have seen how impactful Bigs in Blue matches can be for children. In Milwaukee, for example, Redona Williams, the principal at a school with Bigs in Blue matches, says her students enjoy the time spent with the Bigs in Blue mentors so much that they return to their classes happy and satisfied. “This mentoring time seems to help build their confidence,” she says. “They tend to do better in their classes and are just flourishing, all because someone is paying attention to them.”

Featured in a “Today Show” segment were Big Brother Ryan, a detective, and Little Brother Robert. The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Virginia match has had a big impact on both Big and Little.

Little Brother Markel and Big Brother Antoine at LG&E, where they participate in Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana's workplace mentoring program.

Little Brother Markel and Big Brother Antoine were matched for one year through Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kentuckiana’s School to Work program at LG&E (Louisville Gas & Electric.) Markel, 17, is a determined go-getter who has a comedic side – he and his Big Brother often provided the comic relief at BBBS events. He is a hard worker, but he knows when to take things less seriously. “He has fun in life,” his mom says.

In August, Markel was named an “Esurance Rising Star Student” and awarded a $5,000 scholarship from Esurance and Minor League Baseball. The partnership awarded scholarships to 14 “Call Up Worthy” students across the country, and the “Rising Stars” were part of on-field ceremonies at their hometown Minor League Baseball stadiums.

This scholarship will be a big help to Little Brother Markel as he moves on to college. As a high school student, he never saw himself as someone who would go on to higher education, but after spending time with Antoine, who is an engineer, he was determined to succeed academically. Without Antoine, Markel says he wouldn’t have gone to college. “I would have been stuck in my shell,” Markel says. The days when he knew he would get to visit with Antoine, he was excited to go to school. He opened up and gained confidence. Markel’s mom says she knows he will excel in college because he’s determined, calm and collected, but also knows how to have fun.

Markel will study computer forensics at Sullivan University. Someday, he would like to open his own business.  

Check out the full list of the 2016 Esurance Rising Star Students here.

Here are five gift ideas that will bring joy this holiday season and do good by supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters:

  1. Nordstrom’s Treasure&Bond’s “Washed Tapestry Scarf” or anything from the Treasure&Bond line for men, women, and children. When you shop the Treasure&Bond collection, Nordstrom donates 2.5% of net sales to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.
  2. ALEX AND ANI CHARITY BY DESIGN© Big and Little Dipper Set. Through December 31, 2016, ALEX AND ANI will donate 20% of the purchase price of each set sold to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.
  3. ALEX AND ANI Liberty Copper, featuring original copper preserved from the centennial restoration of the Statue of Liberty. Through December 31, ALEX AND ANI will donate 10% for all online orders, excluding CHARITY BY DESIGN© and Licensed Product, to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America.
  4. Give the gift of time: plan a trip to Chuck E. Cheese’s for a child on your list. Experiences are more memorable than things, and you will enjoy playing games and taking a break from being an adult.
  5. What about that person who is impossible to buy for? Donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America or your local agency in honor of them. You’ll feel great knowing you helped out your community, and they’ll feel great knowing they don’t have extra stuff lying around.