
Big Sister Linda and Little Sister Brittany

Big Sister Linda and Little Sister Brittany

More than ten years ago, Brittany’s parents divorced, leaving her and her sister to be raised by their father, Rob. Rob quickly understood that there was something missing in Brittany’s life; that there was a void that he would not be able to fill. Rob was familiar with Big Brothers Big Sisters and the impact it can have, as he had a Big Brother when he was a child. When she was six years old, Brittany was matched with her Big Sister Linda with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Sun Coast, on the Gulf Coast near Sarasota, Fla. They have been together ever since.

From early on, Linda and Brittany worked on a number of things Brittany was struggling with both academically and socially. Brittany was a shy little girl growing up, so at Linda’s suggestion, she joined the Girl Scouts, where she flourished making plenty of new friends and learning about new hobbies and talents she and Linda could explore together.

During their time together, Linda tried to figure out ways to help Brittany to improve in her schoolwork. They turned to reading, making it a part of many of their activities in the early days. Linda helped Brittany to broaden her reading interests. In time, the more reading Brittany did, the better her grades in spelling and vocabulary became, to the point that she now plans to go to college to study to become an English teacher!

Linda always tried to encourage Brittany to engage in new experiences, to help expose her to new activities and interests. In high school, Brittany developed an appreciation for art and performance, joining the drama club and participating in numerous school plays.

“Having Linda in my life has been life-changing,” Brittany said. “I have grown in so many ways because of her. She taught me to stand up for what I believe in and to not let anyone deter me from my future goals.”

“She [Linda] has been a confidant in tough times, a cheerleader in times when encouragement was needed, and a friend through thick and thin,” said Brittany’s father, Rob. “Linda has offered Brittany guidance in all aspects of her life, from family life, to spiritual life, to education, to friendships. She has increased Brittany’s confidence, positively affected her character, encouraged her education, and taught her about civic responsibility.”

For her part, Linda is simply proud to have been a part of Brittany’s life.

“I am so lucky to have experienced this small, shy, young girl grow into a beautiful young lady,” Linda said. “Hopefully the many roads we have traveled, the many detours we have taken, will give her the guidance when she graduates high school and chooses her next journey in life at college. I am hoping in all the years to come we will continue to have a memorable journey and grow our friendship.”

Linda appreciates the opportunity she has had to help Brittany mature to adulthood, sharing in life’s experiences with her. Brittany and Linda’s story exemplifies the benefits and impact of the kind of long term mentoring relationship that Big Brothers Big Sisters strives to provide to ensure that all children have an opportunity to achieve success in life.  Your support as a volunteer or donor can help Big Brothers Big Sisters to continue its mission.

Big Brother Michael and Little Brother Christopher

Big Brother Michael and Little Brother Christopher

Michael Carton met his Little Brother Christopher when they were matched in the community-based program with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Mississippi Valley. Michael was in the process of pursuing a degree in elementary education, so working with kids was not a foreign experience to him.

After spending more time together, Michael came to recognize how lucky he was during his own upbringing when he realized that Christopher had not had the opportunity to experience things that others would see as simple or routine. Michael did not want Christopher to miss out on any of those things.

“After meeting Christopher, it was painfully obvious how many things I had taken for granted as a child – from eating Whitey’s Ice Cream to flying a kite, many of the things I took for granted were things Christopher had never experienced before,” Michael said.

In time, their relationship grew into a special friendship. Michael describes how he eventually came to notice Christopher making more of an effort to impress him. Through Michael’s persistence, Christopher began to take an increased interest in reading and school work, even to the point of insisting on regular trips to the bookstore so he could get the next books in the different series he enjoyed!

Michael recognized the impact he had on Christopher one summer when Christopher voluntarily entered into a summer school program to get a leg up on more advanced math classes for the next year. Through Michael’s help and mentoring, Christopher has developed a persistence and drive with regard to his academics, inspiring him to start thinking of career goals.

Their relationship has become a mutually beneficial trusting friendship. Michael sums it up like this: “If my 19-month-old son turned out to be anything like Christopher – smart, confident and caring, with a good sense of humor – I would be an extremely proud father. So needless to say, I am an extremely proud Big!”

“The Big Brothers Big Sisters program, and Michael in particular, opened the world for me,” says Christopher. “I was able to see things I never imagined existed and that experience opened my eyes to the possibilities.”

Motherhood is brand new to 23-year-old Sarah. But she feels confident she’s off to a great start. Steven, her fiancé, works nights so that when she’s away at the nursing home where she works as a cook, he’s at their apartment with Niklas, the couple’s 18-month old son. The two are saving for a house and so that Sarah can return back to school to complete coursework to become a dental hygeinest, which will allow them to provide more opportunities for their son.

Sarah says she owes much of her good decision making when it comes to raising Niklas to someone who has never been a parent, herself. Rather, this person has been the most important role model in Sarah’s life. More than ten years ago, she became Sarah’s Big Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.

“As I was growing up, my Big Sister always helped me deal with and put issues I confronted into perspective. And today, when she sees me as a mom, she tells me she’s proud of me. I know I’m doing a good job and I’m sure it’s because from the time I met her, she pushed me every step of the way.”

Growing up

Sarah grew up with her younger brother in a public housing complex in Lewiston, Maine. By the time she reached adolescence, her parents were separated. When she was 16, her brother, Zachary, went to Monmouth, a town about a 20-minute drive away, to live with their mom. Sarah stayed in Lewiston with her single father.

At McMahon Elementary, where she attended grade school, Sarah was among half of the student body qualifying for free or reduced lunch. She recalls that a lot of her classmates struggled with problems stemming from their own home lives. Many, like Sarah, were children all too familiar with challenges that came with parents who worked long hours to earn wages to make ends meet or households where one parent was left to fill the role of mother and father… So when one of Sarah’s sixth-grade classmates told her about how her Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor made coping with life a lot easier, Sarah wanted in.

“This poor girl had a lot of problems at the time – a lot more than I had,” Sarah said. “She used to tell me how her Big Sister helped her cope with things. I really thought a Big Sister could help me, too. So I asked Mrs. [Margaret] Messinger, my guidance counselor, if I could be in the program.”

McMahon had a school-based partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Knowing how badly his daughter wanted to be a part of the program, Sarah’s father signed the paperwork that would allow her to spend an hour a week during school hours with a Big Sister.

The Big Sister

Victoria, a junior studying American Cultural Studies at nearby Bates College, had been spending time at several area schools, including McMahon, to fulfill requirements for her degree. After spending a few weeks with Sue Moccia, the school’s art teacher, Victoria was making quite an impression. Her energetic personality and animated story telling made her quite a hit with students, too. It was not long before Mrs. Messinger, the guidance counselor, approached Victoria with a special request.

“She asked if I would consider volunteering for the school’s Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Then she told me about Sarah, a sixth grader she felt would be a perfect Little Sister for me. Sarah and I had very similar personalities; shy at times, outgoing at others. We both loved shoes, clothes, and the majority of our friends were male.

Victoria’s life could not have been more different than Sarah’s. She is the great-granddaughter of N.C. Wyeth, whose illustrations brought to life Treasure Island and Robinson Crusoe; niece to Jamie Wyeth; and the only grandchild of Andrew Wyeth, one of the most accomplished and renown U.S. painters of the 20th century. Fortunately for the students at McMahon, while Victoria had a very privileged background, she was also encouraged to share her own special gifts – her intimate knowledge of her family’s art collections; innate intelligence and guileless sense of humor. Victoria and Sarah would soon learn that despite the differences in their families’ financial situations, many of the girls’ personal struggles and issues were identical.

Victoria was excited about continuing on at the school as a volunteer mentor – under one condition. She asked Mrs. Messinger to not tell her prospective Little Sister that she was the granddaughter of the famous artist. Within the week, the program matched Victoria and Sarah.

Sarah would soon learn about Victoria’s famous grandfather, however she was not affected by it, nor did it change her feelings about Victoria. “I never really thought about it. He was always Andy to me. I didn’t know him as Andrew Wyeth – I just knew him as Vic’s grandpa.”

Sarah and “Vic”

“I remember that when I first met “Vic;” she came over and introduced herself. She gave me a chocolate candy. I was kind of shy at the time. But Vic has this really hyper, high energy way about her. I’d never met anyone her age who was that fun and silly – and at the same time, so smart. I felt so lucky when I found out she was going to be my Big Sister.”

Like Sarah, Victoria has vivid memories of their early mentoring sessions more than ten years ago. “The first day, we played Scrabble in the back of the auditorium. Before the second or third time we met, I’d gone to FAO Schwartz and bought a kit for making lip gloss, gum and gummy bears. We had so much fun. It was the beginning of this wonderful relationship,” she said.

“I always had something to look forward to. Vic was always so happy; and we did things I’d never done before. I remember trying to microwave the lip gloss in the guidance counselor’s office. It was great.”

Sarah remembers the hopeful feeling she experienced each Tuesday, the day of her weekly visits with her Big Sister.

For her 21st birthday, Victoria went on a trip to Europe. She wanted to make sure Sarah did not feel abandoned. “I sent her postcards and all my friends and buddies signed cards for her. It meant a lot to her. After that, we just really blossomed.”

By the end of May when the semester ended, Victoria paid a visit to Sarah’s home. “There was no way I was going to let the relationship end,” Victoria said.
Sarah said her father was more than willing to give his permission for the mentoring friendship to continue outside of school. Victoria believes his opinion of her formed early on in the mentoring friendship. Victoria happened to be at school the day his daughter discovered that she had become a young woman.

“I’ll never forget that day. Sarah was wearing a yellow t-shirt and blue jean overalls. She was so confused and afraid. But I wanted her to know this was a big day and that I was excited for her. Given the special circumstances, the school allowed me to drive her home. So that was the first time I met Sarah’s dad.”

That day also remains indelible in Sarah’s mind. “She took me to the store and bought everything I would need not just for the next few days, but for several months. She explained what had happened and made me feel so special,” Sarah said.

The Mentoring Relationship Evolves

As the mentoring relationship continued outside of school, Victoria took Sarah to places that were important to her: art museums and even to the Wyeth Center at the Farnsworth Art Museum. She was there with Sarah for many firsts, her first time wearing lipstick [Victoria showed her how to tone it down], her first date, and a few times when she was about to make an unwise decision. Each step, she offered advice and when necessary, some strong opinions. Eventually Victoria also took Sarah to her home in Cushing, the farm, owned by her family.

“It never mattered to me that Vic came from a wealthy family,” Sarah said. “Through her I learned that wealthy people have problems just like everyone else. They have more options, but they still have to deal with life. In fact, I know by everything I’ve seen that I never want to be that wealthy. But I do want to take advantage of the opportunities I do have so I can give my son the best life possible,” she said.

One of Sarah and Victoria’s fondest memories of their mentoring relationship centers on reading and their shared love for books – especially horror novels by Stephen King. Victoria has always had a strong interest in forensic psychiatry and thus introduced Sarah to both King books along with actual psychology textbooks. Victoria recalls, “I remember sitting on a blanket in the park in Lewiston with Sarah. We would eat sandwiches, chips, sodas and sit out for hours with me reading to her. It was very special to me. I never had a younger sister so this meant the world to me.

The relationship took on new dimensions with every change in the young women’s lives. When Victoria completed her undergraduate studies at Bates and went on to Harvard where she spent a year as a visiting graduate student, Sarah and Victoria wrote letters to one another on a very regular basis. The letter writing continued when Victoria went on to Wesleyan College in Middletown, Ct. to work on a master’s in psychology.

Throughout their friendship, both mentee and mentor would grow in their relationship, each learning from the other.

“She and I had fights. She taught me so much about kids,” Victoria said. When she graduated from high school and told me she wanted to continue working at a sandwich shop, a job she had since 15, I mocked her. I asked if she wanted to make sandwiches for the rest of her life. She said I wasn’t respecting her. And she was right.”

Victoria found more constructive ways to talk to her Little Sister about her future and help her make plans towards accomplishing her goals.

An Adult Friendship

Sarah said she owes a lot to Vic, particularly for so willingly sharing with her the wisdom that comes with exposure and experience. To this day, Sarah has every memento from their experiences – event tickets, letters, even the postcards and special notes Victoria and her friends sent from Europe years ago when she was at McMahon.

Sarah’s self confidence and aspirations have been influenced greatly by what she has learned as a result of her relationship with Victoria, particularly during her most impressionable years.

“All my friends partied hard. I was the only kid in the group who didn’t party. I would just stand there. I told them that I don’t do those things and if they couldn’t respect that then they couldn’t be friends with me. I still, to this day, have never gotten drunk or finished an alcoholic beverage.”

Victoria said she has gotten as much, if not more, from their relationship. Perhaps most meaningful, she learned the importance of commitment, keeping your word and unconditional friendship.

“You can’t just enter a kid’s life and just leave. I had no siblings to teach me those lessons. Plus, she’s just so awesome. She’s truly my Little Sister.”

Selina & Corrine develop a model relationship.

Selina and her Big Sister Corinne grew up as only children, but when they found each other, they became sisters.

Regina became a single, first-time mother at a later age, and with several physical disabilities, she found herself overwhelmed trying to keep up with Selina. Knowing she needed assistance and looking out for Selina’s best interest, Regina called Big Brothers Big Sisters after seeing a television commercial.

Big Brothers Big Sisters match specialist Amy worked closely with Selina and Regina to find the perfect match. Selina was soon paired with Corinne, a member of the Coast Guard living on Staten Island. In late 2008, the mother and daughter met Corinne at the Big Brothers Big Sisters offices. “I was certainly nervous,” remembers Regina. “It’s tough when you’re meeting someone new, and basically all you know is their name.” Corinne and Selina asked each other questions—what are your interests? What’s your job? What’s your favorite school subject? Two peas in a pod, Corinne and Selina both love to sing and swim, and both are pet-lovers. Thanks to her friendly, straightforward personality, Corinne hit it off quickly with Selina.

“Being in the Coast Guard, Corinne is very tough,” says Regina, “and she wants Selina to succeed in life. She’s definitely there for her.”

Because most of the Serrano family members live out-of-state, Corinne even attended Selina’s junior high graduation, sitting with Regina and cheering on Selina as she accepted her diploma. ”She was very supportive,” remembers Regina. Selina adds, “I wanted to bring someone that would want to come, and I think Corinne was very excited that I asked her.”

Although Selina is only in ninth grade, Regina has high hopes for her daughter. “She maintains an 85 to 90 average in school. I want her to go to college. I did poorly in college, but Selina is very smart.”

Selina and Corinne are creating memories that will last a lifetime. They’ve been to a cooking class hosted by Big Brothers Big Sisters. They’ve visited Great Adventure theme park, where Selina left with an armful of stuffed animals. They’ve taken pottery classes, where they created and painted artwork. Above all, Selina’s favorite part of outings with her Big Sister is getting to spend quality time talking to each other.

Corinne quickly recognized that Selina has a special gift—not only is Selina a fashionista, but she also very beautiful—so Corinne has begun to nurture her Little Sister’s interest in modeling. Recently, a friend of Corinne took some test shots of Selina to get her started. “Corinne is trying to get Selina involved. She wants to help her take it to another level to maybe become a model,” says Regina. “Corinne is pushing Selina—she’s a real motivator.” More recently, the pair was asked to participate in a photo shoot for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Selina says, “It was great because I was able to see what it was like behind the camera. Without Corinne, I wouldn’t be as interested in modeling. She’s really made me feel good about myself and given me confidence.”

Selina continues: “Corinne seems like she knows that inside of me there are great expectations. She sees my potential. I’d like to do something good in the future. My Big Sister encourages me to do good things and push me to do better with the opportunities in my life, and that makes me feel good.”

Because Selina is an only child, for her to have a Big Sister, it’s like her having a real sister. Regina explains. “Corinne has brought a lot of joy to her life. Selina having someone to talk to that is older has made a big difference for her and for me. It’s not so overwhelming being a single parent anymore. She has someone who has come into her life and been a positive role model to stay in her life for the long-run.”

Dante needed direction. Rob was there to give it.

Dante’s mother, Donna, was afraid that he would grow up a loner. His father works nights, and sleeps during the day so they are not often able to spend quality father-son time together. Donna knew she needed to find someone to break through to her son.

However, Dante was the one who had the breakthrough. A friend and classmate was already part of Big Brothers Big Sisters, and Dante came home from school one day and asked his mother if he could sign up for a Big Brother. Donna had never heard of the organization, but reached out to the school secretary for an informational packet.

“I would try to take Dante to the park myself and play basketball with him, but there were no other women there, and he would get embarrassed,” Donna laughs. “I knew he needed the influence of an additional positive male role model.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters match specialist Sabrina searched for the perfect match for the 13-year-old Dante. When she found Rob, who had common interests—basketball, music and cards—Donna hoped they would click. Dante had fun at their introductory meeting and told his mother he wanted to spend more time with Rob.

“I don’t usually leave my son with people other than my mother, not even cousins and aunts,” Donna says, “so I was originally very nervous about meeting Dante’s new Big Brother. But, I definitely felt comfortable with Rob right way.”

Donna worried that because the family income was already stretched thin, Dante would miss out on fun childhood activities. However, thanks to the generosity of donors, Sabrina keeps them updated on events and programs, and the pair has taken trips to New York Yankees games at the new stadium, explored local science museums, spent the afternoon taking pictures in Central Park, and visited York College.

The most marked change in Dante is in his schoolwork. Rob was able to provide him with academic guidance, explaining that he not only needs goals, but needs a plan and focus to attain those goals. “I want to be an engineer, so Rob tells me to do well in school and don’t be a fool,” says Dante. “He has helped me realize that if I don’t do well in school, that I won’t get anywhere. He says I can do anything I want if I pay attention in class and don’t be a clown.”

Donna adds, “Rob has definitely had an influence on Dante. In fact, Dante even apologized to a teacher for his past academic performance after talking to Rob.”

Rob has also helped Dante develop his social skills and self-esteem. Donna believes that because Rob follows a set schedule—showing up on time for their outings, calling every Tuesday and spending time together every other weekend—the consistency has had a positive impact on Dante. “Rob doesn’t just go places with me—he asks me how I’m doing,” explains Dante. “He calls on the phone. I talk to him about stuff that I can’t talk to my mom about. Like, he doesn’t want me messing around with girls, and he says that I have to respect women. He also helps me get along better with my mom.”

Donna says Rob has left a big impression on her son because of his commitment to Dante to always be there for him. “As a 14-year-old boy, Dante doesn’t want to tell me anything, but now he has someone to talk to,” explains Donna. “I’m not sure if it was a teenager thing or a boy thing, but he’s no longer disrespectful. His Big Brother gives him advice, and he takes it. If I am having problems with Dante, I’ll call Rob, and he’ll address it directly with Dante.”

Dante recalls one particular afternoon he spent with Rob at a museum as one of their most memorable outings. The trip included a visit to the planetarium, a show on how the earth was created, and exhibits on dinosaurs and different animals across the globe. But the most lasting impact for Dante cannot be packaged in one day, or one memory.

“Rob makes me feel good about myself, and I look at him as my actual big brother,” Dante says. “Big Brothers Big Sisters can help change your life in different ways—they gave me something different than what teachers and parents can. They really help you solve your problems—without Big Brothers Big Sisters and Rob, I would be doing worse in school and would be very shy like I was.”

Andrew and Carlos share a good laugh, and an important friendship

“Why couldn’t the baker go to the game?” 8-year-old Andrew asks as he leaves a voicemail for his Big Brother. “You’ll have to call me back for the answer.”

“Because he didn’t have enough dough!” he exclaims when Carlos calls him back.

A couple years earlier, Andrew was not laughing. In fact, as his mother Lisa recalls, he would cry every time his sister’s Big Sister would pick her up for an outing because he wanted a Big Brother of his own. “When I told Andrew it was finally his turn, we were all very excited,” Lisa says.

When Lisa was a kid, she remembers her aunt raising two young boys as single mother. “They never had their dad, but they would always come home talking about the great time they had with their Big Brothers,” she remembers. “So when I became a young, single parent, I knew Big Brothers Big Sisters would be a good way to find a positive role model for my son.”

Andrew’s and Carlos’ phone conversations are not always fun and games—and that’s what strikes Lisa as the most special element of their relationship.

“Carlos will take his time to listen to Andrew, so he feels safe talking to his Big Brother,” Lisa says. “He’ll tell Carlos when he’s having trouble controlling his temper. The way I hear him talking, he doesn’t hold anything back. And when Carlos is talking, I can tell that Andrew is really focusing and listening on what Carlos is saying.”

Carlos has not only been a positive sounding board for Andrew, but also an essential resource for Lisa. Because Andrew has emotional issues stemming from the absence of his absent biological father, Carlos talks regularly with Lisa on the phone and often accompanies her when she visits Andrew’s counselor. “It shows that he really cares about my son,” she says. “They have fun together, but they also have heart-to-heart talks—so Carlos has important insight.”

Lisa is thankful that Carlos has invested his time in Andrew, encouraging a positive outlook on life. Carlos has a wife and two daughters but consistently schedules one-on-one outings with his Little Brother. “I like getting man-to-man time with him,” Andrew says. “He’s the nicest person I’ve ever met.” Carlos also includes Andrew in family outings. Most recently, they had a barbeque in a local park and Andrew played baseball with Carlos’ family.

“I’m very appreciative of Carlos’ wife and children as well,” Lisa continues. “Sometimes I feel like they are giving up Carlos for a little while so my son can have time with him. He could focus solely on his family, but Carlos has reached out and brought my son into his family too. They really seem to welcome him with open arms.”

The pair always has fun on their outings—sporting events, visits to the park, going out for pizza, watching movies. “We have found a gold mine in Carlos. He has really taken Andrew under his wing.”

When Andrew and Lisa first signed up with Big Brothers Big Sisters, Andrew waited more than a year to be paired with Carlos. “It was very discouraging for him,” Lisa explains. “My daughter only had to wait about three months. I encourage more men to volunteer—the life of a young boy will never be the same. It’s sad when a biological relative doesn’t understand the difference they can make, but it’s great that someone with no connection to the child can make this kind of commitment. That, to me, is priceless.

Jon looks forward to going to baseball games with Jesse.

When Jamie expressed concern about the lack of a positive male influence in the life of her nine-year-old son, Jon, his school administrators introduced her to their School-Based Big Brothers Big Sisters program. That’s when she and Jon met Jesse, an Intelligence Linguist in the U.S. Air Force. According to Jamie, Big Brother Jesse is a great guy and a wonderful role model for Jon. She says, “I know that Jon can learn better manners and better social interaction skills from Jesse.”

“Jon enjoys his outings with Jesse and is always very excited to share his experiences with me when he comes home”, reports Jamie. As an only child, Jon can connect with Jesse over their many shared interests, such as baseball. In fact, Jon attended his first major league game with Jesse just last summer!

As for Jesse, he became interested in Big Brothers Big Sisters because his best friend was a Big. When he moved across the country, he felt that Big Brothers Big Sisters would be a good way to connect with his new community. According to Jesse, “I have good, open communications with both Jamie and the Big Brothers Big Sisters Match Support Specialist, which is important.”

Deva and Zorina have formed a lasting bond.

Raising ten children isn’t always easy. That is why mom Shenika reached out to Big Brothers Big Sisters for help. Shenika now calls the match between her daughter Deva and Big Sister Zorina a “perfect match.”

Little Sister Deva was a shy 6th grader when she first met her Big Sister Zorina. Deva, a self-described tomboy, enjoyed skating and swimming with siblings, but also needed individual attention and guidance.

In the four years since first being matched, Big Sister Zorina has achieved her goal of wanting to make a difference in the community. She first became interested in Big Brothers Big Sisters when she was shopping and overheard some young girls misbehaving. Zorina wants to help Little Sister Deva think of helping her Mom and others, not just herself. “I always discuss college with Deva because I see the potential in her. I’ve seen her blossom in the past few years and it’s very rewarding.”

In fact, Deva recently won a scholarship to an all girls boarding school in her city. She is the first in her family to receive an academic scholarship and, if she does well, might pave the way for her younger sisters to attend one day. Zorina is committed to helping her Little Sister achieve her personal goals of attending Harvard University, and eventually going to Law School.

Despite changes in their lives—Deva is now at boarding school and Zorina recently married – these two self-proclaimed friends continue to make time to for each other and their special Big Sister—Little Sister relationship. Both Shenika and Zorina value the input and participation of their Big Brothers Big Sisters Match Support Specialist, Umecka, whom they both describe as “wonderful” and will help this perfect match continue into the future.

John helps Andrew build his confidence.

Margaret recognized that her son Andrew needed the steady influence of a man in his life, even though Andrew, an only child, enjoyed a healthy relationship with his mom—a former soldier in the U.S. Army and now a cook at the Naval Academy. Andrew’s dad died when he was only 9-years-old. That is when Margaret called Big Brothers Big Sisters.

Big Brothers Big Sisters found the perfect match when they paired Andrew with John, an insurance broker. John first became interested in Big Brothers Big Sisters through a colleague who was a board member of the local organization. According to John, “It’s more than what I hoped for, it’s one of the best things in my life and I highly recommend it to others.” John, the product of a single Mom household, understood the importance he could have in Andrew’s life.

John and Andrew frequently hike the paths and trails surrounding where they live. Little Brother Andrew, a self-proclaimed science buff, can name just about every tree and plant—including being able to identify which trees and plants are native. With John’s help, Andrew even became one of the few Boy Scouts in the country to complete every activity in his handbook.

According to Margaret, she has seen a remarkable change in Andrew since his first meeting with John. “I understand that at age 11 Andrew is still finding himself. However, he is communicating much better and is more confident when speaking.” Andrew has even decided he wants to follow in his parent’s footsteps and join the military one day.

Margaret is grateful that Andrew has respect for John and what he says. The most important endorsement comes from Andrew himself who says, “… we will be friends forever!

Racquan and Kevin hang out and do guy activities.

Many children receive material gifts such as toys and video games for Christmas. However, the day after Christmas, 2009 Little Brother Racquan first met his Big Brother, Kevin who just may be the best gift ever. After all, who better understands the value of a Big Brother than a former Little Brother himself?

Back in 1975, Kevin was one of the first children selected to participate in a Big Brothers Big Sisters program at Rutgers University. According to Kevin, his Big Brother was a college senior who reinforced the values and ideals instilled in him by his mother. He also benefited by having a positive African American man as a role model.

For exactly this reason, Tammi, Little Brother Racquan’s cousin and guardian, values Kevin’s impact on Racquan. “Kevin is wonderful. He supports Racquan’s school work, participates in one-to-one activities with him, and, most important, can answer the guy questions posed by a typical 13-year-old boy.”

Tammi called Big Brothers Big Sisters because Racquan lives in an all female household that includes his two sisters. She is thrilled that his school work has improved since his Big Brother came into the picture. Kevin and Racquan go to the movies and enjoy attending sporting events including Major League baseball games.

According to Tammi, the Big Brothers Big Sisters Match Support Specialist calls every month to check-in and allows her to feel secure about Racquan’s participation in the program.

Big Brother Kevin, a teacher at a juvenile detention facility, proudy says, “I made a commitment to this program and to Raquan because I was once a Little. I understand the importance of a African American man as a role model.”