
  •  10 national organizations, including four new grantees: Son of a Saint, All Star Code and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America in the education innovation space, as well as the Equal Justice Initiative, focused on social justice reform.
  • NIKE, Inc. is also investing an additional $2.75 million to support 44 local organizations in seven U.S. cities where NIKE, Inc. employees live and work, including New York City; Los Angeles; Chicago; Boston; Portland, Ore.; St. Louis and Memphis.
  • In total, NIKE, Inc. is announcing $7.75 million in BCC investments across national and local grantees this fiscal year, which brings Nike’s total during the last 20 months to $16 million.  

“NIKE, Inc.’s purpose is to move the world forward, breaking barriers and building community to change the game for all,” says Karol Collymore, Senior Director of Inclusive Community for Social & Community Impact. “Our Black Community Commitment embodies this belief and drives how we are showing up to advance racial equality for Black people.”

During the past 20 months, NIKE, Inc.’s Black Community Commitment has invested a total of $6 million to support 82 unique community-based organizations across 12 cities, and another $10 million to support 10 national organizations geared toward innovative local solutions across the three BCC pillars of economic empowerment, social justice and education innovation. That $16 million combined investment represents 92 unique organizations working to secure a better, stronger future by meeting communities where they work and play at the local level and by building the large-movement frameworks on the national level that set the stage for lasting change. Today, NIKE, Inc. is announcing $7.75 million in BCC investments across national and city-specific grantees in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Portland, St. Louis and Memphis for this fiscal year.  

Danny Rojas, Executive Director of All Star Code, one of this year’s new national grantees that sits at the intersection of economic impact and education innovation, sums up the impact of being part of the Black Community Commitment this way: “Through our grant from Nike, the single-largest investment we’ve received to date, we’re able to expand and grow our network to 100,000 Black and Brown boys for whom these opportunities may have been out of reach. There’s an urgency to changing the face of tech, and we need to be part of it, because having the faces, ideas and voices of Black and Brown leaders in the design rooms, and someday the boardrooms, is the biggest transformation that we imagine.”

Learn more about NIKE, Inc.’s Black Community Commitment grantees here.

Pepsi Stronger Together, PepsiCo’s series of grassroots initiatives bringing tailored programming support to communities across the country, announces a $1M commitment to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA), the preeminent one-to-one youth mentoring organization in the country, supporting its mission to provide greater equity and access to mentorship experiences. With this shared commitment, Pepsi Stronger Together and BBBSA aim to transform communities by providing critical, supportive relationships young people need to thrive today.

Currently, there are over 30,000 youth across the country waiting for mentors, called ‘Bigs’, with most being young boys of color. Studies show that children who have role models are more likely to do better in school, have better connections with family and friends and are less likely to be involved in delinquent behaviors. To create sustainable, long-term solutions, the partnership will focus on developing BBBS core programming and local activation in key markets, attracting more volunteers, especially men of color, and expanding Big Brothers Big Sisters’ reach in serving more young people.

 “As someone who benefitted from the Big Brothers Big Sisters program as a child, I know first-hand how mentorship programs can change lives. I’m honored to be able to continue my commitment to the organization not just personally but professionally as well. Uplifting communities is the core of Pepsi Stronger Together, and I’m proud we’ll be able to make an impact on the incredible work of Big Brothers Big Sisters for young people nationwide,” said Floyd Ferjuste, Vice President of Retail Sales, South Division, PepsiCo Beverages North America, who will also be joining the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America board of directors.

The national partnership kicks off with tailored activations in Miami, FL, Nashville, TN, Tampa, FL, and Los Angeles, CA, supporting various programs in local communities including Bigs in Blue, BBBS first responder engagement program, and Big Futures, a workplace mentoring program reaching young people between 18-25 years old. The donation from Pepsi Stronger Together, which will be made even larger in partnership with Shaq’s Fun House on February 11th where a portion of ticket sales will be contributed to these programs, will also help in supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters’ largest recruitment engagement, called The Big Draft. The Big Draft is a three-month initiative focused on recruiting men, especially men of color, to sign up and get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters as mentors and volunteers.

For over 100 years BBBSA’s has been dedicated to advancing equity, impact, and growth across the organization, making a lasting impact on the lives of young people. Today the organization creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships helping build self-confidence and emotional well-being, and empowering young people on a path to graduate with a plan for their futures and a mentor whose impact can last a lifetime.

“Now more than ever, Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the country are finding innovative ways to serve young people and strengthen communities,” said Artis Stevens, president and CEO, BBBSA. “With the support of partners like Pepsi Stronger Together, who are committed and dedicated to the communities they serve, we can drive more meaningful impact at a time when young people need us most.”

To learn more about this partnership and ways to get involved, visit


About Pepsi Stronger Together

Pepsi Stronger Together is a national initiative to empower and engage communities around the country by providing tailored programming and resources that bring people together. It was conceived with the idea that now, more than ever, we must foster a sense of connection and belonging, starting by investing locally. Launched in May of 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – engaging its network of partners in the South to shine a spotlight on essential front-line workers in a variety of industries – Pepsi Stronger Together was expanded in October of 2020 by partnering with NBA teams and charitable organizations to foster, among other things, community and police relations.

Guiding PepsiCo is our vision to Be the Global Leader in Convenient Foods and Beverages by Winning with Purpose. Under this vision, Pepsi Stronger Together is continually evolving the program to respond to the cultural moment and meet the needs of communities across the United States. Stay up to date at, where visitors can engage in conversation and learn about the latest community initiatives and how to give back. Follow the conversation on social media at @pepsistrongertogether.

Dvon Williams

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA), the preeminent one-to-one youth mentoring organization in the United States, has announced Dvon Williams as Chief Communications Officer (CCO). Williams will lead external and internal communications, thought leadership and influencer relations. She will spearhead developing and executing an integrated communications strategy that will successfully reinforce BBBSA’s brand strategy and mission to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people through mentorship.

An accomplished communications professional, Williams brings expertise in public relations, media, strategic brand positioning, thought leadership and executive visibility. Williams, who is Black and Latina, also brings a personal passion for serving youth, especially reaching communities of color, efforts she’s been committed to throughout her career in both the nonprofit and agency sectors. Her diverse personal and professional experience will be a significant asset in transforming BBBSA’s broader public profile, engaging influential leaders, talent, media and aligning the organization’s message and position within the Big Brothers Big Sisters’ network and external audiences.

“I am fortunate enough to have experienced the powerful impact mentorship can have on one’s life. My mentors continue to provide support, advice, and leadership that guide me today,” said Dvon Williams, chief communications officer, BBBSA. “It is because of this personal experience that I am excited to join BBBSA and amplify the work being done across the country to bring life-changing mentoring opportunities to all young people.”

Prior to joining BBBSA, Williams spent over a decade of her career building brand awareness and affinity for some of the top national non-profit brands in the country. She previously served as Senior Director, PR and Celebrity Relations at National 4-H Council where she established a dedicated PR and influencer relations team managing media and talent relations as well as reputation management and positioning. Her leadership advanced the brand’s visibility into mainstream media and expanded its network of spokespeople to include diverse and representative voices for the long-standing organization.

Williams also held positions at Boys & Girls Clubs of America where she led the development and execution of BGCA’s Back-to-School campaign resulting in significant media visibility and increased cause marketing efforts that continue today. Her experience with these organizations as well as with Edelman PR have won industry recognition from MarCom Awards, Public Relations Society of America and Fast Company.

“I’m excited to welcome Dvon to the BBBSA family as we move into our next chapter of growth and impact. She brings a wealth of communications experience, strategic storytelling ability, and personal passion to help elevate our powerful story of youth mentorship,” said Artis Stevens, president and CEO, BBBSA. “Under Dvon’s leadership, we will expand our efforts to promote and advocate the impact of Big Brothers Big Sisters and mentorship nationwide.”

Williams will remain based in the Washington D.C. area with her husband and two children. She is an alumna of George Mason University and member of ColorComm, a business community for women of color in the communications industry. Williams also volunteers her time as a mentor providing marketing and communications expertise to Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) women-owned, small businesses in her community.

About Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Founded in 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is the largest and most experienced youth mentoring organization in the United States. The mission of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Big Brothers Big Sisters’ evidence-based approach is designed to create positive youth outcomes, including educational success, avoidance of risky behaviors, higher aspirations, greater confidence, and improved relationships. Big Brothers Big Sisters has over 230 local agencies serving more than 5,000 communities across all 50 states. For more information, visit:

Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA) are working together to bring their outcome-driven experiences and programs to more girls across the country. The two organizations are combining their efforts to provide access to leadership and mentoring opportunities in the areas of STEM, outdoors, life skills development and entrepreneurship.

Both GSUSA and BBBSA recognize the impact forging meaningful connections with others and cultivating a sense of belonging can have on a young person’s life, especially girls. At a time when students are struggling with their mental and emotional health after a year and a half of remote learning, this intervention and connection is needed more than ever.

“Mental health is top of mind for both girls and their caregivers,” shared interim GSUSA CEO Judith Batty. “Girl Scouts’ fun, educational, and research-based programming leaves a positive, lasting impact on girls as young as kindergarten and helps them develop into responsible, caring, and engaged leaders. The world needs Girl Scouts more than ever, and we are thrilled to partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America to support their caring mentors with our programming as they empower girls to stay on a path to a successful future.”

With nearly nine of 10 Girl Scout alums achieving a high sense of life satisfaction both personally and professionally, and 93 percent of BBBSA youth participants, affectionately called Littles, attributing the presence of an adult who cares and looks out for them as very important in helping them achieve their goals, both BBBSA and GSUSA are well equipped to support girls in communities nationwide.

“BBBSA is committed to nurturing the growth and continued success of today’s youth, and we’re excited to announce this new alliance with Girl Scouts to bring the necessary resources to young girls who are seeking guidance and direction,” said Artis Stevens, president and CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. “These new connections and educational tools will allow our organizations to better equip young girls to conquer their struggles, and the everyday obstacles they’re facing in today’s world. Together, we can and will create a positive and impactful change for the future young women of our country.” Through this partnership, local BBBSA agencies and corresponding Girl Scout councils in 14 markets will partner to recruit and enroll “matches” of Big Sisters (volunteers) and Little Sisters. The ‘matches’ will have access to education-based tools and guidance during the 2021-2022 school year. This will allow even more girls to gain important skills through the Girl Scout Experience. Girl Scouts and BBBSA plan to implement this partnership more broadly in the coming years.

To learn more about the offerings and overall partnership, visit To learn more about Girl Scouts and volunteer opportunities, visit To learn more about Big Brothers Big Sisters mentorship and volunteer opportunities, visit


We Are Girl Scouts of the USA
Girl Scouts bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world. Through programs from coast to coast, Girl Scouts of all backgrounds and abilities can be unapologetically themselves as they discover their strengths and rise to meet new challenges— whether they want to climb to the top of a tree or the top of their class, lace up their boots for a hike or advocate for climate justice, or make their first best friends. Backed by trusted adult volunteers, mentors, and millions of alums, Girl Scouts lead the way as they find their voices and make changes that affect the issues most important to them. To join us, volunteer, reconnect, or donate, visit

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America (BBBSA), the largest and most experienced youth mentoring organization in the United States, has been selected as an honoree of the 2021 Holiday Impact Prize, presented by two-time Pulitzer Prize winner and former New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, and supported by Focusing Philanthropy.

Big Brothers Big Sisters was selected as one of two volunteer organizations highlighted for people looking to make a difference in their local communities.

“The work of Big Brothers Big Sisters is particularly important right now because for nearly two years, young people have experienced social isolation, emotional trauma, and they’ve faced realities of inequitable access to broadband, food, shelter, social and emotional support,” stated Artis Steven, President & CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. “We believe that a greater society is going to be driven by the way we create justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in young people’s lives. We encourage anyone who is interested and believes in those values and wants to help kids to continue to thrive in their lives to engage with us.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters depends on volunteers to empower a young person’s potential. The 2021 Holiday Impact Prize will bolster the organization’s mission to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.

Since 2009, Kristof has written an annual “holiday gift guide” column to highlight little-known organizations working to make the world a better place. He began writing the gift guide to bridge a philanthropic gap: readers who wanted to help but didn’t know how, and heroic individuals and organizations who desperately needed resources but were off donors’ radar.

The column has helped raise the profiles of organizations that work on the very issues he covers in his journalism—health, education, human rights and women’s rights, both domestically and abroad. This year’s $100,000 Grand Prize winner was Seva Foundation, a global non-profit eye care organization that has helped restore sight to more than 46 million people. Runners-up Per Scholas and Panzi Foundation were each awarded $25,000.

Focusing Philanthropy—a 501(c)3 nonprofit that finds and funds high-impact, scalable programs here and around the world—is providing the platform for this initiative by processing readers’ contributions, monitoring and reporting on results, and replenishing credit card transaction costs of donations made on so that 100 cents on the dollar will support the winning organizations.

More information about Nicholas Kristof’s Holiday Impact Prize, this year’s winners, and Focusing Philanthropy can be found at

We are excited to announce Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is being honored as one of the country’s most influential brands given the great momentum we have generated this year! We are being honored alongside a number of iconic brands that includes Call of Duty, The Herschel Supply Company, McDonald’s, Chobani, UNO, TikTok, NOBULL, Benevity, NHL Team Seattle Kraken and DoorDash.

We will take center stage at the Gathering Summit in Banff Canada, April 20-22, 2022, a Forbes top-rated business and marketing Summit that unites global executives and recognizes the world’s most iconic brands. It was just announced this week that we are the only national non-profit selected for this prestigious award. The Summit will host more than 1,200 top corporate executives and influencers as well as broadcast to tens of thousands of professionals worldwide. Artis Stevens, President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of America will take the stage and share the amazing story of our mission and the powerful impact we make in young people’s lives. This is the result of the amazing work of our 236 Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the country. 

Check out the link to a 2-minute video announcing the winners. We invite you to share our message on your social channels, and follow The Gathering here: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

As we continue our celebration Big Brothers Big Sisters Month, we were able to join The Steve Harvey Morning Show!  Listen to the clip HERE. During the live interview, our President and CEO, Artis Stevens discussed the critical role mentors, partners, and communities play as the village of support for young people today as well as our bold goal to get all kids on a path to graduate and a plan for their future. We are thankful for the continued commitment and partnership of iHeartMedia and their support of young people and communities nationwide.

Click HERE to listen!

Look for @SteveHarveyFM on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and be sure to like and share our posts on your social media platforms!

Today, fashion apparel retailer Express, Inc. (NYSE: EXPR), announces a partnership between its Dream Big Project and Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, with the goal of providing $1M and 100,000 associate and executive volunteer hours in support of the mentoring organization and to accelerate its Big Futures initiative. Simultaneously, the brand debuts a marketing campaign to raise awareness for the partnership and its mission, headlined by Cheslie Kryst, the Company’s newly named Big Brothers Big Sisters Ambassador.

Since launching in 2020, the Express Dream Big Project powered by GoFundMe has raised over $850,000 for organizations including GoFundMe’s Small Business Relief Fund and the NAACP. Through its new partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, the nation’s largest youth mentoring organization, Express will be donating $300,000 to the Big Futures initiative which focuses its efforts on helping young people ages 18 to 25 achieve their goals after graduation, whether attending college or entering the workforce. Express plans to generate an additional $500,000 over the next year through in-store and online donations as well as provide $200,000 worth of Express gift cards to help inspire confidence through style.

“The Dream Big Project is one of the ways we fulfill our brand purpose to create confidence and inspire self-expression, and this partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters is based on our belief that mentorship can set young people on a trajectory to accomplish great things,” said Sara Tervo, Express Chief Marketing Officer. “We are so pleased to welcome Cheslie Kryst as our dedicated Express Big Brothers Big Sisters Ambassador and look forward to working with her to leverage our platforms and her voice to empower young people to believe in themselves and provide them with the tools they need to follow their dreams.”

“The work Big Brothers Big Sisters does in our communities is exactly what our country needs right now—a helping hand for youth who crave encouragement and guidance,” said Cheslie Kryst, “I’m thrilled to be able to represent an organization that feeds my passion for helping others, especially through this partnership with a brand I’ve been raving about and wearing for years.”

“Big Brothers Big Sisters ignites the power and promise of young people through mentoring relationships that build self-confidence and emotional well-being to help them realize their full potential,” said Artis Stevens, President and CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. “With this support from Express, its associates, and customers we have the opportunity to empower more young people with a plan for their future and a mentor whose impact will last a lifetime.”

To make a donation or to learn more about the Express Dream Big Project and Big Brothers Big Sisters partnership, please visit or follow @express on Instagram. The Company will be matching customer donations during Made to #ExpressYou Weekend – September 17th to 19th – with an additional $5 Express Cash given to any Express Insider who donates in-store.  To become an Express Insider, please visit for your free membership.


About Express, Inc.

Express is a modern, versatile, dual gender apparel and accessories brand that helps people get dressed for every day and any occasion. Launched in 1980 with the idea that style, quality and value should all be found in one place, Express has always been a brand of the now, offering some of the most important and enduring fashion trends. Express aims to Create Confidence & Inspire Self-Expression through a design & merchandising view that brings forward The Best of Now for Real Life Versatility.

The company operates over 500 retail and factory outlet stores in the United States and Puerto Rico, as well as an online store. Express, Inc. is traded on the NYSE under the symbol EXPR. For more information, please visit

About Cheslie Kryst

Cheslie Kryst is an Emmy-award-nominated correspondent for nationally broadcast entertainment news show, Extra, and currently serves on the National Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. Before beginning her work with Extra, Cheslie was a complex civil litigation attorney and has also worked pro bono for clients serving excessive time for low-level drug offenses. Cheslie was crowned Miss USA in May 2019 and represented the United States at the 2019 Miss Universe Competition, placing in the top ten of ninety countries. She earned both her law degree and MBA from Wake Forest University and runs a fashion blog, White Collar Glam, for women’s professional clothing.

Artis Stevens has an important message for America: providing youth access to the positive adult relationships that they need to thrive shouldn’t be nearly as daunting as many assume it is – often, the act of being present for one kid can be enough. In this episode, we sit down with the President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters America to discuss the organization’s goals to make access to mentorship more equitable for young people of diverse backgrounds, as well as his experience as the organization’s first Black CEO and why that sets an important example for youth on what their opportunities can be. We also discuss the future of technology in mentorship and the massive opportunity for corporate America to get involved and benefit their own pipelines.  Listen to the full podcast HERE!